How to Calculate a 20% Markup: A Comprehensive Guide


When you are starting a new business, pricing is an important but challenging decision. You need to find a price the market will accept, while also giving you a decent profit margin. Your price will be influenced by your cost of goods (COGS), which is the cost you paid to purchase the product.

A markup is the amount that you add to your COGS in order to cover your costs and earn a profit.

You’ll want to know the formula for calculating a standard 20% markup if you work in an industry that requires it. This guide will teach you how to calculate your markup and other factors to consider.

How To Calculate A 20% Discount

Calculating the markup is simple.

The formula for calculating the amount of markup is the cost of goods (COGS) multiplied by the desired percentage.

You’ll then add the COGS plus the dollar amount of markup to arrive at your price.

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If you have a cost of $10 per unit, and want to apply a 20% markup, then using the markup formulaThen you will take $20 x 20% (or.20) = $2.00. The price of your product is $10 + 2 = $12.

As you can see, calculating a markup is pretty simple – but not so fast! There are many other things you need to consider to set your prices competitively in your industry.

Standards and Market prices

The industry has a standard markup for most products. You will need to find out the industry standard markup for your product. Google is a great way to learn what the industry-standard markups are.

Some products are marked up at a higher rate than 20%. Others have a much lower markup. Market prices are also important to consider, which means the prices that other companies charge.

The biggest challenge that startups face is the fact that they cannot order large inventories. When you buy in larger quantities, wholesale prices are lower for most products. If you buy small quantities of inventory at a higher cost than larger businesses, the average industry markup could give you a price higher than market prices.

You’ll need to lower the markup to buy larger quantities and reduce your COGS. You will not find many buyers if you do not lower your markup and keep it higher than the market price.

Gross and Net Profit Margins

If you mark up your product by 20%, then your gross margin is 20%. Calculate your gross margin by subtracting COGS from the sales price, and then dividing it by your sales value.

So, using an example similar to the one above:


You keep the 20% of your net profits.

Calculate Net Profit Margin

You can calculate your net profit by adding up all of your business expenses including:

  • Overheads (rent, utilities, office equipment, technology, accounting and other costs)
  • Labor wages
  • Marketing and other expenses

After subtracting all expenses, your net profit will be calculated. This is by dividing total sales by COGS, other expenses and total sales.

You can also see our Example of a Good Way to Start

If you sell $12,000 worth of goods per month, then your COGS is $10,000. Assume that your total monthly costs are $1,000. If your net profit is $1,000, then you would have a $1,000 net profit.

Your net profit margin will be:

  • ($12,000 – $10,000 – $1,000)/$12,000 = 8.33%

If your monthly expenses totaled $2,000, you would break even. If you have expenses that are higher than $2,000, then your net profit margin will be negative.

Use these numbers to determine the amount you must sell to break-even and achieve your profit goal.

Is your company viable?

Once you’ve made these calculations, you’ll need to ask yourself a painful question – is my company viable?


The majority of startups are not profitable, that is, they do not generate a profit. up to 18 months. The COGS of new businesses is either too high or they don’t sell nearly enough. A high cost of goods can be caused by low stock purchases.


The opportunity is to get investment, i.e., a business loan to buy larger quantities or wait until revenue grows – hence the time it takes for startups to reach profitability. Many businesses fail Because they don’t have enough capital to pay for all of the other costs and make these investments.

It’s crucial to develop a growth plan before launching your startup. This could involve investing in your company’s future or seeking financing.

It’s important to determine the best strategy by estimating sales based on investment in growth strategies. This will allow the company to determine when it can break even and start generating profits. By carefully planning growth strategies and executing them, startups can set themselves up for long-term prosperity.

Create a Business plan

You’ll need to create a business plan that will convince lenders and investors to invest in your company. This plan should include your goals for growth. Your business plan should include:

  • Executive summary – highlights the key points of your business plan
  • Company summary – your history thus far, as well as your mission and vision
  • Description of your products – including your pricing strategy
  • Market analysis – includes the size and growth potential of your industry
  • Competitor analysis – includes your competitive advantage (USP)
  • Sales and marketing strategy
  • Operations plan
  • Your company’s management and staff summary
  • Financial projections

Business plans can also be used as working documents to help you stay the course. Make sure your plan is up-to-date and comprehensive enough to support any assumptions or claims that may be questioned by lenders.

The conclusion of the article is:

Even though calculating a markup of 20% or any other markup might seem simple, there are many factors to consider when developing a price strategy.

For lenders or investors, a comprehensive business plan will help you project when and how your firm can be successful.

You must develop a strategy that is both solid and realistic. Building a profitable business takes time and energy. Develop a strategy that will help you achieve your goals.