Mastering Social Media Graphics: Dos and Don’ts to Elevate Your Content


Graphics should be a part of every business’ content marketing strategy. Visuals increase The desire of 80% of consumers to read more content.

Creating visual content It can be intimidating if you are not a graphic design expert. There are many tools and tips that can help you improve your graphic design skills, no matter your level.

Tools for Amateur Graphic Designers

Stock photos are available to enhance blog posts and social media posts. Stock photos are overused and don’t attract attention as you would like. 40% of marketers They have found that original photos are more effective than stock photographs.

Stock photos don’t have to be a bad thing. With the right tools you can use stock photos and original photos to create stunning graphic designs.

The Non-Experienced Toolkit

You can manipulate images online even if you have no experience. These graphics come with minimal customization options and pre-set sizes to create professional-looking graphics.

Image Creation

Most of these apps have free or paid versions depending on your requirements. You can use sites such as to create graphics.

  • Canva
  • Shutterstock
  • Snappa

Buffer is a social media site that offers graphic creation tools. You can use these tools to create infographics for minimal posts, photos, and general visual content. You can either use the pre-set image creators on their site or resize your image to fit whatever size you want.

Use the fonts and stock photos available in the apps or upload your own images to create the graphics that you want.

Infographic Creation

Infographics can be useful when presenting data. Though they are time-consuming, creating them can require special design skills.

Infographic creators are available online to help amateur graphic designers. Infogram, and Piktochart both offer paid and free services to create these graphics.

Charts and graphs can be added using the available options. You can complete charts by adding data.

Professional Tools

You can create graphics using professional software if you already have experience in graphic design or are willing to spend the time learning. These options may be more expensive and have a steeper learning curve but offer more design options.

Adobe Serif and Adobe are both options for tools that manipulate graphics. You can buy photo manipulation and illustration software to create any kind of graphic.

How to Improve Your Design Skills

You can make graphics that stand out by using some simple design tricks. You can still use these tricks to make stock photos look more interesting. You can use many different design tips, but beginners will want to keep it simple.

Color Contrast

Make images pop with bold colors. Your images will standout in social media posts if you use a bright background or bright colors.

Clean Images

It is easier to notice the individual pieces in an image. Make sure you use simple designs to make your pieces stand out. Use a simple symbol on a bright backdrop to create images that are clean and clear.

Charts and graphs are a great way to enhance your presentations

Visually presenting data and statistics is easy with graphs and chart. Visuals help people read information more easily and pay more attention. Infographics can be used to present these charts.

Highlight Text

You don’t need to limit your graphics to images. Use informative text to create a focal point for your graphics. Use short, simple blurbs which are easy to understand and that address the key points.

Create Templates

It’s not necessary to create a unique design every time you require a graphic. Create templates of different posts, which you can then fill in as needed. You can create a template for the basic design, and then modify it to suit each post.

Incorporate Branding

Your brand logo and colors should be used in graphics so that people can connect the information with your business. Use your logo and colours in your graphics, so that people can connect your information to your business. It also prevents others from using your graphics.

If you are in doubt, consider hiring a graphic designer

It’s simple to make your own graphics with the tools and tips that are available online. We all need some help from time to time. It’s time to hire graphic designers if your project is more complex or you feel uncomfortable creating graphics yourself.

Graphic creation is the most expensive option. However, a good graphic designer will provide you with high-quality graphics that are tailored to your business. Do some research before hiring a graphic designer.

  • Look at their reviews and portfolio to see what they can do.
  • You can ask them questions about the process they follow and what tools they use.
  • You can also ask them about their experiences by asking specific questions.

You should understand their offer and the terms of any agreement. You should not hire a designer until you are confident that they can handle your project. In order to hire a graphic artist, you should ask specific questions during the interview.

The Key to Content

Your content marketing strategy isn’t complete without graphic design. You need good images, copy and video to create effective content. You can stand out on the web with your different content types.

It’s time to incorporate all types of content into your marketing strategy. Check out more for more information on creating your content strategy. content strategy tips.